˗ˏˋevanora's blogˎˊ˗

what is the purpose of a blog?

I’ve kept a journal for as long as I’ve been able to write. In the past four or so years, I don’t think that I’ve gone for longer than two weeks without writing in one.

Currently, I keep three journals. One is for everyday recounts – things that happened, thoughts on experiences I’ve had, and observations. One is for lists of all kinds and things that I imagine – it’s a place for sorting, collecting and organising. The final one is for more ‘polished’ writing. Currently it houses a short story and two drafts for this blog.

This leads me to the question of where this blog lies and what I want it to function as. A blog is, essentially, a public journal. And so far, I think my blog entries have encompassed different elements of all three of my journals.

Some words that come to mind when I think of what I want this blog to be are: confessional, diaristic, carefree, casual, nostalgic.

I want this blog to capture all the small beauty in my life. Like the feeling of standing under a tree waiting for my friend after submitting the assignment that I’d spent the last three days on.